about me
Welcome to my site!! .

Hii!! This website is still a work in progress! I'm trying my best the best I can, but as I have 0 (nada de nada) knowledge of programming or website design, so it may be extremely bugged, so sowwy!

Just click anything on the menu options to explore

ぽにょ ぽにょ ぽにょ さかなのこ

あおいうみから やってきた

ぽにょ ぽにょ ぽにょ ふくらんだ

まんまるおなかの おんなのこ


twitter: @griffith_lvr

this is an attempt

please, don't laugh at me

website still on the making ┊ griffith toes >>> ┊ meow meow ┊ dazai is so cute, I want to pet him and groom him like a stray cat ┊ griffith catboy agenda real ┊ griffithguts canon ┊


this page is created! (the beginning of something great -kinda-)

chat is added!


home is updated. now basic content is here (i'm finally understanding how this works)